Fully Accredited by WASC


We are pleased and proud to announce that DaVinci Academy has been granted accreditation by the Accrediting Commission for Schools, Western Association
of Schools and Colleges (WASC).

Our accreditation status retroactively started in July 2024 and extends through June 2027. This acknowledgment is a testimony to the dedicated faculty, staff, and other stakeholders committed to high-quality learning and well-being for all students through a continuous improvement process. We would also like to thank the accreditation visiting committee for their perspectives throughout the visit based on the WASC criteria. The visiting committee report noted the following areas of strength exhibited within our school community:

"The school developed a very thorough initial visit report, including comprehensive supporting evidence. During the initial visit, there was the opportunity for meaningful dialogue with the stakeholders, observations of students engaged in learning, and examination of additional evidence. The visiting committee found many positive aspects to the school that include: 

1. They maintain a strong mission and purpose that serves as their guiding documents and informs institutional decision-making and strategic planning. 
2. They have maintained student test scores in the 90% and up range. 
3. They provide weekly and bi-monthly field trips, as well as overnight trips in summer and during the school year. 
4. They maintain a highly qualified instructional staff that supports student learning and are committed to the school’s purpose and student success. 
5. They have a comprehensive and effective teacher onboarding and professional development pan that supports professional growth and instructional excellence. 
6. They provide a rigorous and relevant curriculum through the mastery-based model that allows students access to a variety of learning experiences that lead toward student mastery and success. 
7. They regularly collect, review and analyze a variety of relevant assessment data to understand student learner needs and inform instructional revisions and resource allocations .
8. Their Standards Department provides additional supports for students needing assistance in achieving subject-based mastery. 
9. They have strong leadership and leadership, staff and the governing board demonstrate strong commitment to the advancement of the school and success of their students in achieving their learning goals."

The Accrediting Commission for Schools, Western Association of Schools and Colleges (WASC), a world-renowned accrediting association and one of the six regional accrediting agencies in the United States, works closely with the Office of Overseas Schools under the U.S. Department of State. WASC provides assistance to schools worldwide, especially in California, Hawaii, Guam, Asia, the Pacific Region, the Middle East, Africa, and Europe. Accreditation is a collaborative self-reflection and evaluation of all aspects of the school’s program and its impact on student learning and well-being based on the WASC research-based criteria. Furthermore, accreditation is a certification to the public that the school is a trustworthy institution of learning and well-being that is committed to continuous improvement.

WASC accreditation demonstrates:
• the school is substantially accomplishing its stated purposes and functions identified as appropriate for an institution of its type, and
• the school is meeting an acceptable level of quality in accordance with the WASC criteria adopted by the Accrediting Commission.

Through the WASC accreditation cycle, the school conducts an in-depth self-study, normally every five or six years; hosts an accreditation visit by fellow educators; and engages all stakeholders in a follow-up process of implementing, monitoring, and refining the resulting schoolwide action plan. The visiting committee’s report and recommendations are submitted to the WASC Commission for review and action on accreditation. To learn more about WASC and the accreditation process, visit www.acswasc.org.

Well done, Dragons!